Web View shouldn’t be confused with Win98’s many hooks into the Internet. Windows 98’s Web View mainly did three things: It performed single-click navigation it provided a way to view and customize the appearance of folders and it added a fifth icon view to the original four views which were large icons, small icons, list, as well as details. Microsoft finally heeded the cries of Windows 95 users who craved the ability to drag-and-drop document, application and folder shortcuts directly onto the taskbar, the way they could with the Office97 Software. The Start menu additions were notable, but the taskbar itself was where the action is. Under the Find folder, a “Find… On the Internet” choice took you to Microsoft’s search site. With Windows 98, the Favorites folder was found on the Start menu.
People found the new Web-savvy features helpful (though new users thought that they might complicate matters). There’s been no mind-bending, radical overhaul, but rather the addition of significant and useful enhancements. Microsoft has hewn the new improved version closely to the “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” school of thought. The taskbar, one of Windows 95’s smarter innovations, is even better in Internet Explorer 4.0 and Win98.
Features of Windows 98 ISO Window 98 ISO file Taskbar and Start Menu